May 30, 2008

Lakers Rule The West

Posted at May 30, 2008 10:15 AM in Sports .

It was satisfying to watch the Lakers knock off the Spurs in 5. They've proven they deserved that number 1 seed. I think they can defeat either of the remaining teams in the East and I'm looking forward to a great Finals.

And since I am tired of listening to conspiracy theorists, it was NOT the refs that gave them Game 4. The last play where Fisher bumped Barry may have been an uncalled foul, but on the immediately previous sequence Fisher's shot definitely grazed the rim and the 24-second clock should have been reset. Instead Kobe had only 2 seconds to throw up a shot to beat the clock. If the clock had been reset, the Lakers would have been able to run out the clock or been intentionally fouled. In either case, the last sequence wouldn't have even occurred. This is somehow never mentioned, I don't understand why. The Lakers are simply a better team right now and that is why they advanced.


I am outraged by your uninformed basketball comments. Have you been following the news lately? The NBA is heavily flawed with corrupt officiating. You are extremely naive if you think you are watching a professional contest.

Posted by Kumar Ramanathan at June 12, 2008 05:45 PM
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