March 04, 2008

FTP via curl through a SOCKS proxy on OS X

Posted at March 4, 2008 09:52 PM in Computers .

I was trying to figure out why curl wasn't able to FTP (in passive mode) through my local SOCKS proxy on OS X. I had configured the .curlrc correctly, and by all rights it should have worked. As it turns out, this is a bug in the version of curl included in OS X 10.4.11 (version 7.13.1). It was only fixed in version 7.18.

This version is new enough that Fink did not have a binary available, but I was able to build it from source once I enabled rsync updating and the unstable repositories.

It was a lot of effort to get the iTunes Companion widget to upload song information through a firewall, but at least I learned something.


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