October 16, 2006

Interesting iTunes Buffering Problem

Posted at October 16, 2006 05:23 PM in Computers .

I use iTunes to share my music library across various computers around my house. I also often access my library remotely using a combination of ssh (tunneling daap) and Network Beacon (to advertise the daap service).

I have my iTunes streaming buffers set to 'Large', but when accessing my iTunes share remotely it still rebuffers once in a while. This is understandable, but starting with iTunes 7, I have been seeing an odd behavior. Sometimes, after a rebuffer, the song will resume (or restart from the beginning) and a few seconds later another copy of the song will also resume or restart. So I'll end up with two copies of the same song playing simultaneously, but a few seconds out of phase. Very strange! It's as though the song starts playing in two different iTunes threads (or something like that).

To fix the problem, I have to stop and restart the song, and usually it will rebuffer and restart a single copy again. I've done a lot of remote sharing using iTunes 6 without seeing this, ever. Anyone else seen this problem?


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